
Session 4: Assignment One Question

Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective.

Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internet's properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it.

a) Internet marketing has been describled simply as 'the application of the internal and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives'. In practice, internal - based marketing will include the use of a company website in conjunction with promotional techniques such as banner advertising, direct email and link or services from other websites to acquire new customers and provide services to existing customers that help develop the customers relationship.

I think that Louis Vuitton "LV" is a particularly effective of Internet marketing.


Pull marketing
It is usually the customers who begins and process of contacting the company. The customer often seeks information on web site and ' pulls' the marketing message towards them. We can find that different goods and services (e.g. accessories, fashion jewelry , hot stamping & painting and etc.) which they provide in website. For example, when we want to buy a "Monogram Canvas" bag. We can click in the collection, we can see that there are many kind of bags to choose it. When we click "speedy 30", it shows bag details (picture, size, design,
function, details and products id number). It is easy to find all information in website.

Information provides (e.g. address, phone number,opening hours and what products provide in shop). Customers will know all information in website.

It is possible to send personalized or targeted offers based on the customer's profile, needs, location and behavior. They recomment customer to set up account. So, we can subscribe to the Louis Vuitton Newsletter and receive all their latest updates. Also, we can create a wish list of products to keep between visits to their site.

Hold on the user's attention
Some forms of online marketing communications can succeed in catching and holding the user's interest, such as rich media ads and videos.
We can see more videos (e.g. Fashion show and product process).Customers will know the fashion trend and lastest products.

Opportunity to gather marketing intelligence
The web site has a email -back facility built into it. Customers can leave their informations and message when the company's sevice rep. can answer their inquiry as quickly as possible. Also, they shows call represntatives phone number. If we need quick response, we can call our country's rep.
b) I think that MCL is a ineffective of Internet marketing.
MCL's website is similar to traditional characteristic in easily ignored. They don't mention movie content, no trailer and no forum.
They don't introduce movie content and no trailer. It is difficult to catch and hold the user's interest. It lacks of advertisement to attract people to buy ticket to see movie.
It doesn't have forum in website. Customers don't know how good or how bad of the movie. Members can't express and to exchange their ideas about movie and cinema. Cinema can't collect feedback and comment from customers. It is difficult to improve services and facilities.
MCL's website should builds up movie content, trailer and forum. It attract more customers to visit the website. They can collect more comment and information from customers. This information can be analyzed later to gain a better understanding of customers profiles and behaviors.

1 則留言:

  1. Regarding your comments on MCL Cinema, it's common nowadays for users to expect to be able to participate or contribute their opinions/ratings on the services (e.g. movies) and to communicate with other users on the site. I also agree that LV is doing a great job with its web site and Internet marketing efforts !
